TSANet Board Approves 2023 Strategy

The TSANet Board of Directors recently met to review and approve the new 2023 TSANet Strategy.   This strategy was created based on input from Members through a series of meetings and resulted in a SWOT analysis that provided a clear view of the current state as well as opportunities for the organization to improve.

Strategy Streams

The strategy has the following streams

  1. TSANet Connect 2.0: The Next version of TSANet Connect will add features that improve collaboration requirements of XaaS Members with specific focus on (AWS, Azure and Google Cloud). Improved integrations and option for post collaboration request messaging will also be included.
  2. New Membership Model: A new Membership Model will be created that improves the ability to collaborate and bring more value to Limited Members.
  3. Expand Regional Focus Groups: We will continue to invest in the regional focus groups with both online and face-face meetings.   Knowledge Exchange will also be launched as a global offering that is available to all Members.
  4. TSANet Partners: TSANet will create a framework for Partners to work with both TSANet and TSANet Members.   This will include both TSANet Connect Technology and Support Process Partners.

Next Steps

The online Member Meeting on Dec 7th will include more details on the TSANet 2023 Strategy.   Watch for future blogs on each strategy stream that will include more details and timelines.   Members are encouraged to get involved in the TSANet strategy by joining your regional focus group.

For Europe and India contact Rainer Zielonka at rainer@tsanet.org

For North America, Australia and Japan contact Paul Esch at paul@tsanet.org